Monday 27 February 2017

IdealCup coffee couple want to make Motueka a disposable cup-free zone

Steph Fry is starting a revolution against “revolting” disposable coffee cups.

The Motueka businesswoman is determined to make the town, west of Nelson, the first in New Zealand to be dump disposable cups and replace them with reusable and 100 per cent recyclable containers.

Steph and her husband James Fry started a coffee roastery, Celcius Coffee, in Wellington 14 years ago. From the get-go, Fry said sustainability was part of their ethos.

“Being in this industry we felt that we had an obligation to try and minimise waste as much as possible. One of the biggest, most revolting elements of the coffee industry is the disposable takeaway cups.”

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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