Sunday 23 April 2017

The best traditional New Zealand baking recipes revisited

My lovely mum is Dutch by birth, so as I was growing up she did her best to master the Kiwi classics - and I have fond memories of arriving home from school as she pulled fresh baking out of the oven.

I had great fun reinventing some family favourites, starting with the luminously pink, mile-high lamington cake – I would have loved to have seen that at a school fair!

The ginger crunch tart is an elegant take on the regular slab cut; the softer-than-usual Anzac biscuits yield to the homemade boysenberry ice cream within; while the caramel slice cream is so wildly decadent, only tiny portions are needed.

A big slice of the louise cake-cake with a whisper of whipped cream, meanwhile, goes wonderfully with a pot of tea. Enjoy!

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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