Tuesday 19 December 2017

One mum's answer to feeding hungry Kiwi kids

OPINION: I can’t believe that in the friendly, caring New Zealand that I call home, there are more than 295,000 children living below the income poverty line according to Unicef. These children living in poverty are at a high risk of not having access to fresh, nutritious food.

Why has this been allowed to happen in NZ? Since when did we, as a society, turn a blind eye to children being sent to school with little or no food?

It’s very easy to point the finger at parents or the government. That gives us an easy way out: ‘not my children, not my problem’. But these are all of our children - they are the future of this country and we are failing them. A child has no choice, they have no voice.

How can we expect children to learn, develop, behave and focus at school if they are running on empty? As a former PE teacher, I have seen firsthand the daily struggles these children have. Arriving for a day of learning with no lunch box or, at best, a bag of chips and a fizzy drink is not setting them up for success.

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/parenting/100032197/One-mums-answer-to-feeding-hungry-Kiwi-kids


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