Monday 20 February 2017

Emma Thompson: formidable in her career and in tackling global issues

Somewhere in a parallel universe, Emma Thompson is a headmistress in an everlasting girls’ school story, issuing brisk advice, clever remarks on any given subject and punishments for infractions of the school code that are stern but indisputably fair.

When she actually played a version of this stock character in Lone Scherfig's An Education, ticking off Carey Mulligan’s errant schoolgirl for wasting her time on a man when she could be sitting the Oxbridge exam, it was as if she had slipped into a second skin. 

I’m reminded of this when we meet at the Berlin Film Festival to talk about Alone in Berlin, an adaptation of Hans Fallada's 1947 novel about a working-class couple who pitch a tiny, home-made rebellion against the Nazi regime. Anna and Otto Quangel are small people; they don’t wield power and influence.

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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