Saturday 18 November 2017

Amie Richardson: Hello perimenopause, are you to blame for all my rage, tears and misery?

OPINION: It starts as a bubble in my lower back and works its way round to my abdomen. The bubble starts to get bigger, and sends a massive hit to my chest, my hands, my brain. An attack is launched – and I’m on fire, filled with rage, disappointment, fury at Oli for dropping his cereal on the floor; Jasper for asking for peanut butter when there is none; the house for its complete impracticality; the world for not providing more; myself for being a washed-up, hopeless, waste of space. My mouth opens and I unleash a barrage of high-pitched demands, threats and growling, before the flood of tears drowns out my noise and I collapse onto a bed, a chair, anywhere, giving in to the misery of it all. 

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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