Wednesday 15 November 2017

Dear Jennifer: My colleague is making my life hell

ADVICE: There is a woman undermining me at work and no one can see it except me. She completely stonewalls me, looks straight through me, ignores me at meetings. I am excluded from drinks and things she organises – she even quietly mouths invitations to lunch or drinks to my co-workers in front of me. It’s like being back at primary school and I can’t believe how much it guts me. I find myself thinking about it all weekend. I think if I said something to the others at work it would sound petty, because this woman is popular. It’s like, because they’re not the target of her behaviour they don’t notice it, so she’s completely getting away with it. I think it might have something to do with my work achievements. How do I deal with this?

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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