Tuesday 23 January 2018

Lightbulb explodes in Christchurch man's face

A Christchurch man who had a lightbulb explode in his face when he turned his lamp on feels lucky he didn’t suffer an eye injury.

John Stringer, of Casebrook, was sitting at his work desk at home and turned on his desk light lamp beside a computer.

“It went boof and exploded right in front of my face and it shattered glass all over my desk, into my keyboard and just everywhere.”

Stringer said it was frightening. “I got a couple of scratches on my forehead, but it could have blinded somebody. And this glass is really fine.”

* Blown bulbs: Why it is likely not your wiring
* Lightbulbs used to tackle poverty 
* The right lights for the right room

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/100764527/Lightbulb-explodes-in-Christchurch-mans-face


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