Tuesday 20 February 2018

Time for coffee shops to show tea drinkers some respect - reviewer

New Zealand once led the world in tea drunk per person, so it seems strange tea needs defending in public.

But as tea lover Adelia Hallett puts it, “it’s time to strike back at the coffee culture”.

She’s created a review blog Tea on the Road which rates cafes and tearooms on the cup of tea they serve up. She gives 10 points each for the tea, the cup and the setting. 

It’s her way to thank those who get it right and shove the rest in the right direction.

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/food-wine/drinks/101304773/Time-for-coffee-shops-to-show-tea-drinkers-some-respect-reviewer


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