Wednesday 31 August 2016

Is your child snoring? It may be a sign of a serious sleep issue

Snoring can be a normal symptom of a cold or virus in children. But when snoring persists and children have difficulty sleeping, parents should take their children to a doctor to look for signs of more serious conditions.

Snoring occurs in about 20 per cent of children and is most common among children between 2 and 6, says Dr Marcel Deray, a paediatric neurologist in the US.

About 10 per cent of children who suffer from snoring have some sort of obstructive sleep apnoea, a sleep disorder that leads to pauses in breathing throughout the night.

“That’s the peak time that kids have enlarged adenoids and tonsils, which is the main cause of snoring and sleep apnoea,” Deray said.

* A wireless device to stop snoring
* How teeth-grinding can harm your health
* The seven most common sleep problems
* Five unconventional tricks to stop you snoring

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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