Wednesday 15 February 2017

Review: The Monday Room, Christchurch

The welcome was interesting as we gratefully stepped off the side of four-lane Moorhouse Avenue in full end-of-day traffic flight and slipped into the cool (both ways), dim entrance at 6.30pm. Staff were gathered by the bar and had the distracted look you might see in fashion store counter staff when they have a mob outside, an 80 per cent off sale, and the doors are about to be thrown open.

There had been a little polite haggling the day before when booking. We needed 6.30pm, they preferred 6pm, we couldn’t make it from work by then. A pause, then an upbeat “OK, we’ll make 6.30pm work”.

They probably should have said they were fully booked. But there in The Monday Room’s open dining room at the rear was a table for two placed right alongside the stack of logs (decorative) and fire unneeded for summer. Two of the three other pre-booked tables under the open slatted roof were each set for 10 people, the other for 12 people.

After the briefest of pauses, the maitre’d asked in the nicest possible way if we could “expedite” our orders so we could “best enjoy the evening”. A well-meant nod to get in well before the tables around us filled.

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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