Wednesday 15 February 2017

Review: Shepherd, Wellington

Shepherd is named for its co-owner, chef Shepherd Elliot (Ti Kouka café, Leeds St Bakery), but there’s a sense too in which diners are herded here, in the sense of steerage into fresh pastures not previously visited. Situated in a now famous courtyard surrounded on all sides by the Hannahs apartment building, Pizza Pomodoro, Golding’s Free Dive, Hanging Ditch and the Wellington Chocolate Factory, the restaurant lies at Welly’s epicentre of hip. So please do not expect crème brulee, steak bearnaise and frites. Rather, please do be prepared for creamed nettle and kawakawa jelly. Sustainably harvested beech forest wasp pupae may eventually follow. 

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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