Monday 22 May 2017

Reinvent porridge and supercharge your winter breakfast

Liquid, oats and heat. That’s all it takes to make porridge. Super simple to prepare, and even easier to sink into a “quick ‘n’ easy” food rut. 

Fear not, different grains can be used to make this winter staple, and plenty of indulgent or wholesome toppings are making their way into the bowl. Think quinoa instead of oats, or baked quince and lemon mascarpone instead of the classic brown sugar and cinnamon. 

There’s also savoury porridges to try, like the Chinese rice porridge dish congee (con-gee). Pork, chicken or fish can be added to the cozy rice porridge for a very different start to the working day, or can be taken to work for lunch.

Spelt, rye and cinnamon porridge with pear and prune compote

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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