Tuesday 26 September 2017

Should we eat our way out of the jellyfish problem?

With jellyfish getting ready to invade our beaches again this summer, even scientists think it would be a good idea to start eating the floating stingers.

Niwa emeritus researcher Dennis Gordon says he’s all for turning them into food to help cut back numbers.

“Jellyfish are mostly water anyway, but the bowl, the jelly part, has quite a bit of protein in it. If it holds together well enough, you could probably eat the local ones, but i don't know if there is a market out there.”

He’s eaten jellyfish in Taiwan and says “it’s not bad”. “It was flavoured and stringy like noodles.”

* Giant jellyfish washes up on coast
* Dangerous jellyfish in Wellington
* Canterbury beach covered in jellyfish 

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/food-wine/food-news/97241645/Should-we-eat-our-way-out-of-the-jellyfish-problem


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