Wednesday 18 October 2017

Denise Irvine's best places to eat in the Waikato

I had a dessert treat at Palate the other night: one of those dishes where each component is in harmony, served in perfect proportions, and it vanishes without trace. This was Palate’s excellent orange panna cotta plated with liquorice ice cream, candied kumquats and mint syrup. There were sweet, creamy and citrus notes, a ball of divine liquorice ice cream, and mint syrup and fresh mint for fragrance and zippy cut-through. The attention to detail shone through in each spoonful. Palate’s owner-chef Mat McLean says it’s all made from scratch. The panna cotta, of course, and the ice cream; the kumquats – not often encountered in a restaurant – are from Mat’s mother’s trees. He preserves their golden fruit in sugar syrup. So, orange panna cotta and its lovely partners ($16) at Palate, 20 Alma St, Hamilton, are among some recommendations today from the recent rounds of local eateries.

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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