Wednesday 29 June 2016

The best way to maintain healthy lungs

It’s a spectacular phenomenon that we rarely stop to consider. Every one of the 23,000-odd breaths we take each day pumps oxygen to the 37.2 trillion cells that create our body.

“Normal breathing is automatic, we don’t have to think about it,” says Jennifer Alison, a Professor of Respiratory Physiotherapy at Australia’s University of Sydney. “If you are healthy, it shouldn’t be of concern to you.”

Rather, when we need more oxygen, our body lets us know, often with a sigh or a yawn. Or, when we exercise, our muscles produce more carbon dioxide (metabolic waste) which stimulates receptors to take in more oxygen.

“The reason why we take that breath is to maintain carbon dioxide at a certain level,” Alison explains. “All the cells in the body operate at a certain acidity.

* The value of one beautiful breath
* Breathing techniques for controlling stress
* Video of Canadian forest shows the Earth ‘breathing’
* Breathing exercise to help you fall asleep in one minute

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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