Monday 19 December 2016

2017: The year of the cool new hobby

As our lives grow increasingly busy and stressful and our dependence on technology and all things digital grows, more and more of us are looking for ways to slow down, switch off and use our hands to produce something satisfying and tangible.

So we’re calling 2017 the year of the cool new hobby. Here are five of our top picks.

Mindy Dalzell of Wellington’s Twig & Arrow florist says she has “most definitely” noticed a rise in people interested in learning more about flower arrangement.

“My workshops used to take a few weeks to sell out, now they sell out in days and we always have a wait list,” she says.

What’s the appeal? “I think it’s a fantastic way of slowing us down and appreciating nature in its fragility. Everyone is so busy, so stopping to smell or play with the roses is always good for the soul. It really grounds you in a moment,” says Dalzell.

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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