Thursday 22 June 2017

Original Django Franco Nero talks Vanessa Redgrave and playing the romantic lead at age 74

He may have a reputation as one of cinema’s original monosyllabic tough guys, playing Django in Sergio Corbucci’s 1966 iconic Spaghetti Western of the same name, but today actor Franco Nero couldn’t be more warm and charming.

Dressed in a white towelling dressing gown, longish hair slung back over his shoulders, Nero, 74, is sipping a coffee between takes at a smart St Albans hotel. It’s a setting vastly more in keeping with his role in new British movie The Time of Their Lives as the love interest Alberto; all rich and raffish artist rather than grizzled gunslinger.

In the film, Nero is torn between two women: faded glamour-puss Helen, played by Joan Collins, and Pauline Collins as dowdy Priscilla. Does he think men change in their attitude towards women as they age?

“Well it depends,” he says thoughtfully. “Of course, men appreciate beauty still. But as you get older you like calmer women. Not the ones who are a pain in the ass.”

He continues: “At a certain point you want a quiet life; a gentle way. Friends of mine - they have women who yell. One uses ear plugs. He puts them in” – Nero mimes reaching to his ears – "and he doesn’t hear a thing. He pretends nothing is happening. A quiet woman as you get older is nice.“

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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