Monday 3 October 2016

Superbugs found in everyday activities, but don't fret over them

Potentially fatal bugs are a part of everyday life but it’s important not to misplace your fear, an expert says. 

On Monday, there was a report of a 10-month old Australian boy falling seriously ill after he contracted salmonella. It is believed he caught the disease from a shopping trolley.

This was followed by a story of a British mother who died from blood poisoning, caused by a small scratch on the back of her hand she got while gardening.

In light of these reports, we take a look at serious or potentially-deadly diseases that can come from everyday activities, and whether you need to worry.

Potting mix nearly kills Wellington man 
* What are New Zealand’s worst regions for STIs? 
British mum dies after a scratch turned into blood poisoning 
4 in 10 cat owners infected at some point with toxoplasmosis 
* Mum’s warning after baby gets salmonella during shopping trip
* Can your infant really get salmonella from a shopping trolley? Maybe

from Olivia W’s Blog Rss


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