Thursday 19 May 2016

Social experiment: A week without ... coffee

Coffee is my closest frenemy - a crucial ally, though I resent my dependence on it.

It's such a fixture that when I collect my preschooler from daycare and we discuss our days, one of his mandatory questions is how many cups I drank (four or five, on average). In the last picture he drew of me, my distinguishing characteristics were my iPhone in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.

I won't drink instant except in emergencies but nor am I a snob who requires single-origin beans pre-digested by a civet cat and cold brewed over 12 hours. I'm a gourmand rather than a gourmet - give me a large plunger and I'm happy.

I'm expecting giving up coffee for a week to be painful, at least initially, but I'm also hoping I'll find it liberating to be freed from a substance I've come to rely on so heavily.

* Social experiment: A week without ... sitting down
Social experiment: A week without ... social media
Social experiment: A week without ... washing my hair
Social experiment: A week without ...TV
Social experiment: A week without...meat


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